Products and services to kick-start your wellness journey.

You’ve made up your mind to get your health back. These health and wellness aides can help.

Supplement recommendations

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Sleep Systems

Wellness starts with good quality sleep. Hydro- powered mattress pads and bedding regulate sleeping temperature to help you get the healing rest and rejuvenation you need.

Blue Light Blocking Glasses

Blue lenses filter out harmful computer rays to protect eyes, reduce eyestrain and headaches, and improve sleep.

Earthling Products:
Grounding Mat (2 Pack)

Connecting with the ground replenishes your electron balance and restores your link to the earth’s energy. Use of grounding mats can help improve sleep, while reducing Inflammation, pain, and anxiety.

PureEffect Advance Filters

Tap water is loaded with radiation, fluoride and other toxins. This water filtration system cleans and removes harmful chemicals, which could impede your healing, from the water you use.

Lab Testing:
Mineral Balance Blood Panel

Vitamin and mineral deficiencies can cause a variety of health issues. Getting blood regularly tested for nutrients levels allows you to adjust your diet or other factors as needed to fix ailments, and possibly avoid health problems down the line.

Complete Vitamin D Test

Vitamin D is important for keeping the immune system functioning. Lack of this important nutrient can cause health issues, including bone pain, fatigue, and depression. Regular testing of all Vitamin D levels can help assure you have enough.